Become Our Artist

Art In Card Community is a community of independent artist who shares their artworks in Art In Card platform. Artist could focus on their design while we help them to fulfill the order. Start making your money now!
Connecting artists with right consumers to help monetize and expand their talent internationally.

If you are like-minded, we welcome you to join us
We appreciate creative talent. Find out why you should join us below.
Together, we make each other better.
A platform allowing people to see your talent
Share your unique and artistic idea and show it to the world. Hidden gems first must be discovered before they have value.
Build your brand
The Power of the People is Greater Than the People in Power. You are not alone. We promote you and help you to build your fan around the globe via advertisement, magazine etc. And did I mention zero advertising fee?
Making Money Online
For selected artist, you can save the hassle of spending time and money to design and even market your website. Sell your product at Art In Card and get 10% commission for every sale.
Zero Administrative Fee
You don’t need to pay anything to start your printing business. Just focus on your goal and believe in your talent, let us take care the rest to help you realize your goal.
Ease of mind of production
We let you focus on what you love, design. We take care of the rest from manufacturing, inventory, labor, marketing, accounting and most of all commitment and overhead cost. People buy your design, we take care of the rest for you. And we even auto debit your paycheck for you.
Supportive Art Community
A place where we give feedback and advise to make each other better. We welcome new blood to join us and together we can share our idea together.